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Some Folks Need NO Help In Making Better Films

I don’t think the Coen Brothers have ever stumbled. Even when I might not have been as generous with my praise, they still had the best movie out there at the time. They have been truly inspiring to me.

I was asked by Salon to say a few words about my favorite film of theirs and why. Check it out — if not for my answer, then for all the truly interesting folk that they got to respond.

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Ted Hope is an American independent film producer based in New York City. He is best known for co-founding the production/sales company Good Machine, where he produced the first films of such notable filmmakers as Ang Lee, Nicole Holofcener, Todd Field, Michel Gondry, Moisés Kaufman, and Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini, among others. Hope later co-founded This is That with several associates from Good Machine. He later worked at the San Francisco Film Society and Amazon Studios.

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