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IN THE SUMMERS Trailer: A Father and His Daughters Bond Over the Years in Sundance Grand Prize Winner

Residenté in IN THE SUMMERS

First-time director Alessandra Lacorazza took Sundance by storm this year as her semiautobiographical feature debut In The Summers took home both the U.S. Dramatic Grand Jury Prize and Directing Award. The coming-of-age tale stars Calle 13 frontman Residente (aka René Pérez Joglar) as a divorced father who spends his summers with his two daughters who are witnesses to his warmth, passion, but also vices. The daughters are recast multiple times throughout the film as they grow up over the years, while the story is set in the same location. It also stars Mutt breakout Lío Meheil, Sasha Calle, Leslie Grace, Emma Ramos, Sharlene Cruz, Kimaya Thais Limon, Allison Salinas, Dreya Castillo, and Luciana Elisa Quiñonez. Music Box Films has now released the official trailer ahead of its September 20 release in theaters.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Siblings Violeta and Eva live in California with their mother, but every summer they travel to Las Cruces, New Mexico, to spend time with their loving but unpredictable father, Vicente (René “Residente” Pérez Joglar). Over the course of four formative summers that span adolescence to early adulthood, Violeta and Eva learn to appreciate their father as a person, his flaws and limitations inseparable from his passion and tenderness. Lovers come and go, the backyard goes to seed, but the idea of home remains knotty and elusive. This powerful and deeply personal directorial debut from Alessandra Lacorazza offers a nuanced study of young people questioning their place within their families, their communities, and their identities. Winner of the US Dramatic Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, In The Summers proves both an emotional capsule of growing up within a fragmented family and a love letter to the resilience needed to survive.

Watch the trailer below.

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M.J. O'Toole began writing for HtN in early 2021 during the Sundance Film Festival. An NYC native and lifelong cinephile, his favorite films include Chungking Express, The Three Colors Trilogy, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Lovers on the Bridge, and Midnight Cowboy. He is the Digital Marketing Manager for the agency 3rd Impression - working alongside Editor-at-large Matt Delman - that specializes in digital marketing for independent film. He holds a BA from Adelphi University and a Masters in Digital Photography from the School of Visual Arts. You can check out his portrait and street photography on Instagram.

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