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Qualities Of Better Film #22 of 31: PROVACATION OF THE AUDIENCES


It may not be everyone’s idea of pleasure, but film has an uncanny ability to make us squirm in our seat. In a “seen it all” culture, the ability to illicit a squirm or a hand before the eyes, is a talent that should be rewarded.

Film can also kidnap an audience and make them complicit in some sort of previously unarticulated desire, albeit most often the trinity of sex, death, and violence.

Yet, film’s abilities do not need to be limited to the visual. The deep immersion in a world also makes us uniquely susceptible to new ideas and ways of thinking.

Film has the capacity to transform an audience, and an ambitious filmmaker hopes to finish the film with an audience that is no longer the same as when they entered the theater.

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Ted Hope is an American independent film producer based in New York City. He is best known for co-founding the production/sales company Good Machine, where he produced the first films of such notable filmmakers as Ang Lee, Nicole Holofcener, Todd Field, Michel Gondry, Moisés Kaufman, and Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini, among others. Hope later co-founded This is That with several associates from Good Machine. He later worked at the San Francisco Film Society and Amazon Studios.

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