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THIS MUCH I KNOW TO BE TRUE Trailer: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis in Andrew Dominik’s Visionary Documentary

Ahead of his widely anticipated Marilyn Monroe biopic Blonde, Australian filmmaker Andrew Dominik focuses his lens on the creative partnership between legendary musicians Nick Cave and Warren Ellis in his new immersive documentary, This Much I Know To Be True. It premiered at this year’s Berlin International Film Festival and screened at SXSW, both to a positive reception. Cave and Ellis have composed the somber music for Dominik’s breathtaking 2007 western The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. They are also in the process of scoring Blonde. This new documentary captures the aesthetic of Cave and Ellis’ longtime creative partnership. Contributing to the documentary’s vision is Oscar-nominated cinematographer Robbie Ryan (The Favourite; American Honey). It will stream on Mubi globally in 4k quality on July 8.

Here’s an official synopsis:

Shot on location in London and Brighton, This Much I Know To Be True captures Nick Cave and Warren Ellis’ exceptional creative relationship as they bring to life the songs from their last two studio albums, ‘Ghosteen’ (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) and ‘Carnage’ (Nick Cave & Warren Ellis). In this document of their first-ever performances of these albums, filmed in spring 2021 ahead of their UK tour, we see the two, accompanied by singers and string quartet, as they nurture each song into existence. The film features a special appearance by close friend and long-term collaborator, Marianne Faithfull. This Much I Know To Be True reaches into the deep friendship and personal relationship between Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, something glimpsed in the 2014 Cave pseudo-documentary, 20,000 Days on Earth. The film will prove to be another significant moment in the journeys of Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, capturing the mood and spirit of the pair as they move through a new, optimistic phase.

Check out the trailer and poster below:

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M.J. O'Toole began writing for HtN in early 2021 during the Sundance Film Festival. An NYC native and lifelong cinephile, his favorite films include Chungking Express, The Three Colors Trilogy, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Lovers on the Bridge, and Midnight Cowboy. He is the Digital Marketing Manager for the agency 3rd Impression - working alongside Editor-at-large Matt Delman - that specializes in digital marketing for independent film. He holds a BA from Adelphi University and a Masters in Digital Photography from the School of Visual Arts. You can check out his portrait and street photography on Instagram.

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