Very Recommended
Winnebago Man (Kino) — Ben Steinbauer’s portrait of viral video sensation Jack Rebney isn’t just a lighthearted reminder that his angry tirade (refresh yourself by watching it here) is a bona fide classic. In making it his mission to track Rebney down years later to see if and how he was impacted by his unintentional celebrity, Steinbauer finds a sheltered, reclusive, three-dimensional man. Like the best documentaries, Winnebago Man is many things at once: hilarious, heartwarming, enlightening, and thoroughly entertaining. I’d just about give a money-back guarantee that you will very much dig this movie. Buy it on DVD.
Destricted (Revolver Entertainment) — Destricted is a compilation of eight short films that “explore the fine line where art and pornography intersect,” according to the press materials. The concept alone is intriguing, and the lineup of directors includes luminaries from the worlds of cinema, painting, photography, installation art, and more. Quality-wise, the results proved to be a mixed bag, although perhaps this was to be expected: compilations always are. And in this particular case, an additional factor applies. Just as everyone has different tastes in movies, everyone has different tastes in sex, so the fundamental truism behind any film review—what gets me going is likely to be different from what gets you going—is even more true than usual here. Read Nelson Kim’s full review, then buy it on DVD.
New Old Movies
The Larry Sanders Show: The Complete Series (Shout! Factory) — This is, hands down, one of my very favorite television shows of all time. And I had heard that Garry Shandling said the complete series would never come out. HOORAY!!!! HOORAY!!!! HOORAY!!!! Buy the 17-DVD Set.
New To Blu-ray
The Goonies: 25th Anniversary Edition (Warner Home Video) — Buy it on DVD or Blu-ray.
The Wiz (Universal Studios) — Buy it on Blu-ray.
The Bridge On The River Kwai (Sony Pictures) — Buy it on Blu-ray.
Have Not Seen But Want To
Toy Story 3 (Pixar) — Buy it on DVD, Blu-ray, or Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack.
Let’s Spend The Night Together (Lionsgate) — This might be the final Hal Ashby film that I’ve yet to see. As it’s a documentary on the Rolling Stones, it can’t be that bad, can it? Buy it on DVD.
The Pacific (HBO Home Video) — Buy the 6-DVD or 6-Blu-ray sets.
Centurion (Magnolia Pictures) — Buy it on DVD or Blu-ray/Limited Edition/Digital Copy.